Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Free schools; robot education reforms

keep it up, your ripe for the picking

Robot encourages humans to remain free (stupid humans)

The western world is based seemingly on a 2d map where Alaska and Japan are on different sides of the globe, that and the abstract idea of freedom. When I say it is an abstract idea, I do not wish to indulge in a philosophical history lesson on the idea of freedom and what it is, could and should be. I propose a more economical stance. It is an abstract as it can be seen in it's non distorted viewpoint only within the mist of contortion, exaggeration and falsehood. It's pure ideology is present but that does not equate to the whole.

The rich enjoy freedom the way we are all sold the idea. They can choose their extensions, their ipod's and second cars and 1st class flights to locations built solely for them. The dreaded prescribed holiday. This choice is not the definition of freedom but a by-product. The meat of freedom is the ability to sustain these choices and assimilate them into our personal effects. The ipod is carried around and becomes a part of us, a symbol of freedom. The house full of antiques, books, electronic fads and priceless china can be assimilated in a similar fashion but there is compromise. You are stuck in this physical space with nowhere to go. You cannot afford to move, you are an obese cog that is so enamoured with the aesthetic of freedom, you cannot validate it. You remain a husk allowing your insides to be sucked out as long as the hydrolysis attempting this feat are embossed with a logo you recognise.

The ipod in the western world is attainable and can move with the subject, it does not seem to betray this idea of freedom in a physical sense. It is the symbol of choice and freedom because it hides it's deceit. You are tied to your computer; the only way to make use of your ipod as to use it is to listen to music, on the go, anywhere you like, it's your choice, but you have to come back. Back to you debt ridden house with your computer that is stuck there. This idea of being stuck manifests in a literal physical sense but more importantly an economical and intellectual one. The upkeep of an aesthetic of freedom is a continuous positive choice of “yes please, more stuff, why shouldn't I enjoy the freedom I keep hearing about.” The idea of freedom is a means to control the free market system that is in place, the free market system that is not sustainable just like your outdated ipod, you need a new one.

To refute freedom is extremely difficult as the social systems of this part of this homogenized world are intrinsic to it. I propose to stop indulging in the idea of freedom, the false choice to spend on items housing ideas that are impossible to live up to. Ignoring the abolition of real political freedoms to maintain the aesthetic of control of your own life. Freedom does start with a choice. Say no to freedom.